smbtn community |
January 20
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The SMBTN Small Business Network
The following list of the best business sites on the WWW has been compiled to help entrepreneurs and small business owners explore some of the coolest small business information, resources and services the Internet has to offer. This directory of small business links should give you an excellent overview of how the Internet can help you plan, start and build your own business.
The Small Business Administration is a great resource for the small businessperson. Its mission is to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns. |
Resource Center Help info for small businesses in identifying customers, obtaining free publicity, selling products abroad, and writing business plans. Includes free templates and worksheets. |
News Network For insurance related statistics, such as which type of automobile is most prone to theft and which is least likely to be stolen, try this site. |
Revenue Service The IRS is everywhere . . . get forms, instructions, and the IRS FAQ! Check out their newsletter, "The Digital Daily. |
A resource center dedicated to helping entrepreneurs find financing. |
If you're involved with the manufacturing or sales of industrial products. |
Office Hub Business@home. The online gathering spot and information resource for the working-from-home community. |
Agents Inc. Need help setting up a U.S. corporation? Corporate Agents helps 1 in every 8 new corporations get established last year. |
This web site features a panel of published business experts who will answer online questions at NO charge. Chosen as a USA Today HOTSITE and is recommended by the SBA. |
A "quick sheet" list containing a reference library of dictionaries, telephone directories, quick quotes, UPS and Fed Ex tracking. A one-stop reference desk. |
Successful Business Planning in 30 Days combines the best features and benefits of the The Entrepreneurs' Guidebook Series in an easy-to-use format! It is a key tool in getting you informed, getting you motivated, and getting your business plan written and your business started!
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