Developing Writing Skills


ESL Town - Find Pen Pals, Play ESL Games, Learn English Online

Research has shown that writing makes you think in English. Thinking in a new language promotes language learning. Email is a great way to start. You can email teachers, fellow students, friends, other websites, and even experts in a field you are interested int. You can also try chat sessions such as Yahoo Chat and Yahoo Clubs which offer live and delayed interactive writing opportunities.

Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards - Send a friend or pen pal a birthday greeting card.

Computer Assisted Sentence Production - ESL students can answer a few questions, then let the JavaScript code write the sentences for you. A fun way to study English sentences.

ESL Cafe's Graffiti Wall - ESL students can practice their freewriting by adding "graffiti" to a virtual wall.

Purdue Online Writing Lab - Sponsored by the Purdue University Writing Lab, this site has some of best writing resources available on the Web. Look for the Owl!

Have fun while you learn English at ESLtown.com