QUIZZES - Applying Learning Theories to Online Instructional Design



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1) Which theorist does the following statement apply to: "nine instructional events can serve as the basis for designing instruction"?

One answer only.


2) Which theory uses the concept of spiral organization?

One answer only.

   Conditions of Learning Theory
   Constructivist Theory
   Minimalist Theory
   Social Learning Theory
   Theory of Social Cognitive Development

3) Which theorists originated the Minimalist theory and the Social Learning theory?

One answer only.

   Bandura and Bruner
   Bruner and Gagne
   Carroll and Bandura
   Gagne and Carroll
   Vygotsky and Caroll

4) Which theory is most applicable to computers and online instruction?

One answer only.

   Conditions of Learning Theory
   Constructivist Theory
   Minimalist Theory
   Social Learning Theory
   Theory of Social Cognitive Development

5) Which theory advocates mentoring, apprenticeship, on the job training, and internships?

One answer only.

   Conditions of Learning Theory
   Constructivist Theory
   Minimalist Theory
   Social Learning Theory
   Theory of Social Cognitive Development

6) Which theorist offers advice similar to infomercial motivational speaker Anthony Robbins?

One answer only.


7) Which theorist is closely connected to the ideas of Bandura?

One answer only.

   Gillani and Relan

8) Which theorist advises allowing learners to fill in the gaps themselves?

One answer only.


9) What is the most important principle of the Theory of Social Cognitive Development?

One answer only.

   Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if it results in
         outcomes they value.
   Activities should exploit the learner's prior experience and knowledge.
   Advance organizers help link prior knowledge.
   Full cognitive development requires social interaction.
   Instructional events and corresponding cognitive processes can serve
         as the basis for designing instruction and selecting appropriate media.

10) Allowing students to discover principles by themselves is most  important to which theorist?

One answer only.


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© 1999 by Peter J. Patsula
