As a valued customer of [Company], we are happy to bring you the following good news. This letter is to announce the establishment of our new Preferred Customer Incentive (PCI) program. Starting on October 1st, a record of your account will be maintained on a cumulative basis for a period of one year. Once your total cumulative purchases have exceeded $[XXX], we will automatically offer a [X]% discount on any orders placed, including sale items. When your orders have reached the $[XXX] mark, your discount will be increased to [XX]%. And that's not all. A cumulative total of $[XXX] will entitle you to a [XX]% discount, the highest we have ever offered. We hope you think our PCI program is a great idea. Why not send us a purchase order today to get started? If you have any questions or think of any suggestions to help improve our incentive program, please let us know!